Clean Sprout™'
Cleaning and Sanitizing Concentrate
SRP: $24. per quart (litre)
barley sprouts have been known to have challenges with mold.
The Nutra-Culture™ Fodder
is designed to eliminate these mold challenges.
using quality seeds, ultimate seed soaking times, humidity
and temperature controlled building conditions, growing time
and other factors that Nutra-Fix suggests, the risks
of mold are vurtually gone.
using a fodder system other than the Nutra-Culture™ Fodder
Wheel, or conditions as mentioned above are not being met,
'NutraFX Clean
Sprout™' is
the key to eliminating mold.
ingredients in 'NutraFX Clean
Sprout™' are
classed as food and feed grade, complexed with organic plant
extracts of natural origin, combined with citric
acid to provide a high level of free soluble active iodine,
that is safe and effective, virtually non-staining, based
on a patent pending process.